Harmony & Balance through Nature
As you view the picture of ‘Harmony & Balance through nature’, take note of the Golden symbol of Infinity. You will notice the left side is slightly more pronounced than the right side; there is a reason. The left side of our being is our receiving side and will always be evolving and absorbing, therefore as we progress spiritually this aspect of self will eventually even out; but you have possibly noticed there is more than one path to travel along. One is lighter and finer the other slightly denser. The darker path is where you have travelled many lifetimes and have absorbed an abundance of spiritual knowledge and wisdom, hence the more pronounced circle; this is a positive aspect of who you have been and what you have absorbed in light during those amazing journeys. The lighter path that gently flows on the right and fades into a softer aspect of light, this is our giving side and could be your next journey of discovery. There could be so many new experiences for you to explore but on a higher vibration of understanding, it could offer, 6th and 7th levels of ascension but you need to be ready in your heart to travel through amazing discoveries, some will test you but others will show you just how important the gentle flow of life is to your well-being; working with the nature spirits, animals and all life, offering them pure unconditional love and light. As you progress along this path the infinity circle will expand and all will eventually combine and the two infinity circles will be in perfect balance of Love and Light. This is your true essence, but you will always have a choice, but what you have gained on the left will balance out with the right at the appropriate time. So! What path will you choose? Will you remain on the path of learning or are you ready to share your knowledge and understanding with those just beginning on their spiritual journey and show them that through love and compassion for all life on this planet you bring balance to your own Golden symbol of Infinity. Either path will be an amazing adventure of pure unconditional love. You could always communicate with Master Hilarion and the Nature Spirits if you are undecided, for they know how much love and light is already in your expanded heart centre. Enjoy the journey!